Random writings on running, software & product development, business and anything else

Category: Technology (Page 5 of 12)

Technology, software development, FOSS (Free and Open Source Software) and the web. From languages like PHP to specific tools, books and anything else.

Switching between PHP versions with Apache on Windows

I had occasion to set up a dev box to test a new web application against different php versions, so I thought I would share the steps. This setup is for one PHP version at a time, and I have documented for 2 versions, but more can be done if required. Also I have used PHP4 and 5, but it could be multiple versions of PHP5, such as a beta version of 5.3. This setup was done using Apache2 on Windows.

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PHP 5.2.9 released

A new version of PHP is now available 5.2.9. It is a mix of security and bug fixes.
This has been followed by a special release for Windows users of version 5.2.9-1 which has a fix for a security issue in the cURL library.

5 questions of framework maintainers

Cake, Zend, Symfony and CodeIgniter are the best known PHP frameworks, but as is obvious from the the big list of PHP frameworks, there are many more out there. I have had my say on why there are so many, so I thought it was appropriate to ask some maintainers of lesser known PHP frameworks why they have also created a public framework. I was fortunate that all 4 took the time to reply to my 5 questions. Take the time to check out these frameworks they might be what you need for your next project.
The questions and answers follow here, grouped by framework.
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5 Free Software PHP Issue Trackers

If you are using version control in your development, your team or self is most likely wanting to use an issue or bug tracker for your development. There are alternatives to a dedicated product like whiteboards, spreadsheets, email folders or a super memory. However for this article we will compare dedicated issue trackers, and to be more specific, 5 PHP based trackers that are released as free and open source software.
All evaluation was done using PHP5.2.6 on Apache 2.2.9, MySQL 5.0.67. Continue reading

So why so many PHP frameworks?

Since producing the big list of PHP frameworks I have been contacted privately by email and the issue has been raised by David in the comments. Why so many frameworks for PHP? Python has a few, and Ruby has 2 of its main frameworks merging. PHP has at least 50 active public frameworks with a vast unknown number of in house frameworks. It has been suggested this is a waste of resources and that 1 good framework is all that is needed.
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The Big List of PHP Frameworks

For the start of a new year, it was time to clean out the list of PHP frameworks. A few have fallen by the wayside, but many new ones have been added. It seems that patterns and MVC is still all the rage, but less are professing to being Rails clones, though the inspiration of convention is still strong. There are a wide variety of framework types. From full stack (cakePHP, Symfony) to components (eZ), a bit of both (Zend) and minimalist (LightVC, TinyMVC, Pluf).
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